On Spring in the Suburbs

The quiet of winter is gone. Spring is here and the world wakes up. Flowers blooming, bees buzzing — carpenters in particular, looking for fresh wood to burrow into. The lawnmowers awaken as well. And now every day the air is filled with the hum of them — close by or faintly in the distance. A near constant sound that had been sleeping in winter’s quiet. Our own landscapers come every two weeks, with no…

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Mindful Homeschooling: The Bliss of Under-Scheduling

This piece originally ran in Home|School|Life magazine and on my former Summerly Homeschool blog. It was written near the end of our summer break a few years ago. I thought it might be appropriate to share it here, now that summertime has rolled around again. We have had a lazy summer. Not lazy in the sleeping all day, not getting anything done sort of way (though there were days like that, I admit), but lazy in…

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